Monday, February 9, 2009

K2 Killer Mountain – the world’s most difficult and dangerous climb

K2 is the second-highest mountain on Earth (after Mount Everest). Although the summit of Everest is at a higher altitude, K2 is a much more difficult and dangerous climb. Due to its terrible weather and comparatively greater height above surrounding terrain and a peak elevation of 8,611 meters. K2 is part of the Karakoram segment of the Himalayan range, and is located in the northern Areas of Pakistan, on the border between Pakistan’s northern territories, and County of Xinjiang, China. K2 is known as the Savage Mountain due to the difficulty of ascent and the fact that for every four people who reach the summit, one dies trying. Among the” Eight-thousanders”, K2 has the third highest climbing mortality rate.

The mountain was first discovered in 1856 by the Western world and it took another 100 years before the first men reached the summit in July 1954, an Italian expedition succeeded in ascending the summit. The first woman to reach the summit was Wanda Rutkiewicz, of Poland 1986. The next four women to reach the summit were all killed in climbing incidents. Three of them died descending from K2 itself, among them feted British mountaineer Alison Hargreaves in 1995, and Rutkiewicz herself died on Kanchenjunga in 1992. This led to the legend that K2 carried a “curse on women”. However, the “curse” was broken in 2004 when Edurne Pasaban reached the summit and descended successfully, and again in 2006 when Nives Meroi of Italy and Yuka Komatsu of Japan became, respectively, the seventh and eighth women to summit K2, both descending successfully.

In August 2008 25 climbers reached the summit but nine died on descent after the avalanche swept away their ropes. Even though it is very dangerous, K2 seems to call to the mountaineers for the challenge of the life time. It is considered mountaineering’s greatest challenge!! Even though people face the risk of death, they will risk it to show the athletic ability, endurance and cheer strength of will to say that they have climb the most difficult mountain on planet earth!! The people who have accomplish this tasks their name will be recorded in history for all time. Do you want to try?


  1. I really enjoy hearing about various mountain treks. I'm not a climber, I'm a hiker - but I do love combining hiking with mountain adventures. I have had two unsuccessful and two successful attempts. At Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) I had to turn back an hour short of the summit because of altitude sickness and at Mt. Washington (NH) I got beaten back by a hail storm. But I was successful in summiting Mt. Charleston and Wheeler Peak (both in Nevada).

  2. Wow...That is very interesting. I am interested about climbing since I was young but because of my family is a little bit over protective, that's why I never have chance to do such a dangerous activity. You are so lucky and I believed that you had a lot of fun and experience from climbing those mountains!!

  3. Hi Sirin, how interesting and beautiful, I love the beach and mountains both, I am a water person, as well as hiking person, I would not however be able to do risky climbing, but love to hear when people do, such adventurous spirit, the beach, ocean, is so soothing for my soul I love to go to San Diego sometimes and just seat, by the ocean and contemplate the beauty and vast greatness of the sea, not to mention the soft sand of a beautiful beach. Pearl

  4. Thank for comment Pearl :o) My country has a lot of beautiful beaches in affordable price. You will love it!! warm ocean and great food!!

  5. This is very nice. It is very informative. Very nice Sirin.

  6. Hi Sirin. Are there any accomodations in the area? It is all about hiking and mountain climbing, what do you recommend on how to get ready for a trip to K2? It is so beautiful but so dangerous. Oh, I love your blog setup. It appeals to the eyes. Thanks. ;o)
